Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Corey
HOH Nominated – Victor and Paul
Veto Winner – Nicole
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne #7 Zakiyah #8 Bridgette #9 Paulie #10 Victor #11 Michelle #12 Natalie

Big Bird’s niece makes faces
The September 11th TV show begins with the HOH Butter competition. But Corey and Nicole scheme even before the challenge. They gotta put Paul and Victor up to “make a big move” and be strategic because, “they would do the same thing to us,” …only Paul and Victor wouldn’t. It’s pretty heartbreaking, then, when Victor says he’s “Pretty stoked Corey won this HOH,” because we know what happens next. Sigh. CBS gives Paul and Victor a “clueless and naive” edit here. The also imply that Nicorey are some sort of brainiac masterminds and we no likey. It would be easier to take if their move didn’t ALSO save James. Yes, it’s a smart move and even makes sense. We just can’t stand to see James make it through another damn week sitting back and watching while everyone else busts their ass. On the September 11th feeds Paul at one point says, “Even James doesn’t know why he’s still in this house!” kudos to Paul, already able to laugh about it.

Flirty Victor is our favorite one
The TV show skips over alterna-topics in the episode middle; including Natalie and James as they patch things up before the live show. Then we see the funny time when Corey put salt in Nicole’s water and got wet as a result. Corey’s segment seems a tad unjust given that every other houseguest pulled this prank ages ago. But it’s not really a bit about originality anyway. It’s only funny because it backfires on Corey. Then CBS does a segment on how Victor has a thing for Nicole. Yeah, anyone who watches feeds saw his obvious attraction to her. It’s interesting, though, how Nicole never notices that Corey doesn’t mind all of Victor’s blatant flirtation right in front of him. Here’s a tip, Nicole, when a guy really likes you, he HATES that.

The knives slide into the backs
Right after that on the TV show Paul suggests to Victor that maybe Nicole and Corey will come after them now and Victor assures him they won’t. But Paul’s not so sure… So, he enters HOH to discuss Nicorey’s plans. After Nicole and Corey lie to him, Paul declares the Final Four the “Final Friendship,” and a collective groan sweeps the nation. Then it’s time for the big betrayal when Corey nominates Victor and Paul. He says something about how he wasn’t raised to be a bitch and this is Big Brother not Big Baby. We’re 100% certain that every non-feeds TV viewer thought Corey was mad cool to say all this but we’re less impressed. The guy can barely form a sentence. Corey got help with those lines, guys! Meanwhile after nominations Victor’s visibly angry and Paul’s PISSED. Corey’s says “Third time’s a charm,” in the Diary Room. Nicole’s like, ‘Holy crap, is this real life?” and we’re like, No – it’s a TV show.

Midnight poker and jack-off jokes
On the September 11th feeds Nicole doesn’t use the Veto and thus we get our last few glimpses of Victor and Paul in the house together. They play poker at midnight and tell a slew of BB house jack-off jokes. Can you get a pair of shower flip flops pregnant? Only in the BB house. We won’t get to hear this stuff anymore once Victor’s gone (quiet sobbing in the corner). But OK OK, all isn’t lost. We never get what we want when it comes to Big Brother anyway. Comp beast, Janelle (seasons 6, 7 & 14) has never won a single season. Danielle got shafted because the jury saw her Diary Room sessions in season 3. What can you do? There’s only one solution and that’s watch the next season and hope for the next Dan Gheesling (winner season 10) or Rachel Reilly (winner season 13). Luckily for us, CBS All Access, current live feeds source, soon launches a new version of Big Brother to immediately follow season 18. It streams online 24/7 without any TV presence. So, you need to get CBS All Access to watch but the good news is viewers can see all the ceremonies and competitions as they happen. So, it turns out BB18 was merely an amuse bouche for the real meal to come. It premieres September 28th and they’re calling it Big Brother: Over the Top. We’ll be tweeting about it daily from @RuiningBigBro. Thus you can hear all about it there even if you don’t subscribe to CBS All Access.
– Katherine Recap