When was the last time BDM and I sat down and did a full set review? Well, in case you missed it, we’ve done one for Oath of the Gatewatch! (but I mean, realistically, how can you have missed it?)
Brian is going to be coming back to the NYC area for a post-Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch podcast this week (and BTW how great was it to see Top 8 Magic alum Frank Lepore in the Top 8 of his very own Pro Tour?)… But to tide you over, check out these Top 8 Magic-tacular stylings:
Red and Colorless
Green and Gold
White and Blue
Black, Artifacts, & Lands
What Oath of the Gatewatch cards did we call, from long out? Which ones have already proven themselves awesome by the first [Modern] Pro Tour? Why didn’t we [more cleverly] stretch this set review out into a fifth episode?
Give ’em all a listen!