Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Nicole
HOH Nominated – TBD
Veto Winner -TBD
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne #7 Zakiyah #8 Bridgette #9 Paulie #10 Victor
Battle Back Winner – Victor & Victor (again)
Return Ticket Holder – Paul
Have-Nots – TBD
Have-Not Supplement – TBD

Resident BB mastermind
The TV show of August 25th begins with a review of Paul’s masterful plan to set James and Natalie against Corey and Nicole while aligning them with Victor. He and Victor pretend to be at odds while Paul cozies up to Nicole and Corey. It’s genius and works in one way because it actually does get Paul closer to Nicorey. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work as far as getting James to evict Corey… Luckily there’s still the battle back aspect for Victor to possibly get back into the house right after his eviction.

Just one of the times Z calls P a BITCH
In other scintillating news the TV show reveals Paulie’s entry into jury house, where the disdain for him runs rampant and unchecked. Zakiyah calls him out as a “bitch” and it’s pure awesomeness to finally see Paulie face the consequences of how he treated her and the other women in the Big Brother house. Paulie attempts to call out Bridgette as a man-hater and she calmly explains that being a feminist just means standing up for women and that there’s no man-hating element inherent to it. This was glorious music to our agreeing ears. Wake up, America! The ladies keep their distance from Paulie in the jury house from this sublime confrontation forward and we’re thrilled to find out that Zakiyah and Paulie also subsequently maintain a healthy distance. She’s all grown up and next time Zakiyah’s in a relationship she’s going to be that much stronger in her sense of self. Hooray for personal growth!

James reacts to the second Battle Back
Then the show brings us back to the BB house where Victor is promptly evicted; thanks to James and his deciding vote. We’re mad at James because we love Victor – it’s not a bad game move for James. But then we’re immediately comforted when James finds out there’s yet another jury battle back competition. He literally throws his head back in exasperation. Ha ha! There’s also the glorious moment that follows soon after when Victor finds out he can battle back into the Big Brother game. His reaction says it all – certain he’s goin’ back in, baby! And, of course, FitVic’s right. Victor wins the battle back.

Nicole’s the new HOH
On the feeds right after the TV show the brutal HOH competition has a Lochness Monster theme and involves grueling challenges for the houseguests like hanging onto a wall in a major storm. Nicole’s the surprise winner of HOH and now we really see the brilliance in Paul’s buddy buddy bromance with Nicole and Corey right before this latest iteration of the game. Not to even mention the fact that Victor is BACK in the house. Paul keeps up his masterful social game while Nicole ponders who she’ll put up on the block. It’s tasty anticipation at this stage of the game.
We’ll keep you posted on all the upcoming events of the house including Nicole’s nominations and the subsequent fireworks. Our Puerto Rican Sensation is back in it, baby! Even if he gets nominated, Victor always has the veto and Paul’s immaculate social game on his side. BB history is officially rewritten even now because no houseguest has ever come back TWICE. If Victor ends up winning or even in the final two (hopefully next to Paul) that would make this historical event all the sweeter and more delicious. Stay tuned to Fetchland.com for all the latest in the Big Brother house.
– Katherine Recap