Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Nicole
HOH Nominated – Michelle, Paul
Veto Winner – Nicole
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne #7 Zakiyah #8 Bridgette #9 Paulie #10 Victor
Battle Back Winner – Victor & Victor (again)
Return Ticket Holder – Paul
Have-Nots – Victor, Corey
Have-Not Supplement – Squid and seaweed

Victor tells the camera he’s on slop
After an eternity of answering Paul’s hypothetical philosophy/ethical questions on the August 27th Big Brother morning feeds, the houseguests find out Victor and Corey are the Have-Nots this week with a supplement of squid and seaweed. In the afternoon all the houseguests play the Veto competition except for host, Natalie. Nicole wins the Veto and afterward Paul won’t leave her alone to think for even one second. It feels like an infinite chatteroni. Then Paul finally leaves Nicole in HOH only to talk Michelle’s ear off in the Have-Not room. He’s just doing jury management with her at this point and because it seems like Meech senses that, she drifts in and out of indifferent listening.

Paul yaps it up more and more
The plan is for Nicole to not use the Veto and leave her nominations on the block – Paul and Michelle. Victor and Corey will vote to evict Michelle and she’ll go. In the event of a tie, if James and Natalie vote Paul out, which they probably will, Nicole breaks the tie and votes out Michelle. So, either way, the plan means Meech is outie this week. Thing is, it’s only Sunday and this is all set to happen live on Thursday night’s show. In the Big Brother house that’s a long long time. Also, Paul can’t seem to shut his yapper and that may just have an impact on the sticking power of his friendship.
– Katherine Flores