Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Nicole
HOH Nominated – Michelle, Paul
Veto Winner – Nicole
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne #7 Zakiyah #8 Bridgette #9 Paulie #10 Victor
Battle Back Winner – Victor & Victor (again)
Return Ticket Holder – Paul
Have-Nots – Victor, Corey
Have-Not Supplement – Squid and seaweed
The August 28th TV show promises HOH challenge and juror Battle Back competitions but as soon as it starts we see the pre-competition dispute between Paul, Meech, James, and Natalie. Paul’s super pissed that Victor went home and it was on Michelle’s HOH. During this fight Natalie admits that she wants Victor to stay which permanently blows up Jatalie’s alliance with Corey and Nicole. Also, Paul calls Michelle a C-word, which she didn’t love. The genius of Paul’s fight finagling works only if he can keep Nicorey and Jatalie at odds, then get Michelle out of the house. If he can implement that plan he and Victor will sail through the middle to the winner’s circle.

HOH comp Final2 = Nicole and James
Next we see the HOH challenge and it’s a killer Loch Ness storm. Paulie’s legs are a massive assemblage of trembling muscles. Nicole’s eye makeup runs down her face and out the door. The houseguests struggle, shiver and fall, one at a time. When it gets down to the final two for the juror’s Battle Back position, Victor declares that although he’s in pain, that’s his house and he’ll be damned if Paulie will take his spot there. That’s how a winner wins. They gotta believe in it first, envision the prize, fight for it, and then finally own it. This fierce mental state’s how Victor ends up winning the Battle Back… again. Victor’s certain he can do it. So, he does. But that’s about all he can do – he’s a big guy after all. FitVic doesn’t make it to the HOH final two – leaving Paul up there to hopefully win it for them. After Paul falls off the wall, the final two (Nicole and James) make a deal. She promises not to put him up and claims that she JUST wants a letter from her mom. So, James drops for her mom and tells Natalie he trusts her because they’ve had each other’s backs all season.

Nervous Natalie
Paul isn’t so worried because he’s been “cozying up to her (Nicole) lately” and he has utter faith in his own social game. In fact, Paul trusts the sanctity of his position in the house so completely that he offers himself up as a pawn. Meanwhile in the less-trusting corners of the BB house, Natalie seems pissy that James sacrificed his chances at winning the HOH because this was a comp perfectly designed for him.
Then we see Corey get the care package and he “feels like a kid on Christmas morning,” of course. Thing is, the $5K bribe isn’t as important to Corey’s game as he claims (in his diary room session) because he doesn’t really have anything at stake with his girlfriend as HOH. Also, the fact that Corey wants to use it to “make the other guys do stupid stuff in the house” spotlights this fact. He doesn’t really need it. We at Fetchland STILL don’t really understand why Corey was chosen for this care package. But we’d guess that Nicole’s belief that Corey got the care package because he’s so loved isn’t quite the answer.

Final Four
In the next scene Nicole says she’s most threatened by Michelle. This leads to the ultimate bland team formation “Final Final Four” composed of Nicole, Corey, Paul, and Victor. Although it seems tainted by Nicorey, we’re just thrilled to see Paul and Victor still viable in the game. Nicole won HOH at a really great time for her own game and she made it this far without going on the block, which is impressive. Speaking of impressed, Meech’s ability to make it through the nomination ceremony without shedding a single tear shows some growth as well. So, now Nicole’s happy because she’s keeping her alliance with Paul a secret while also getting Meech out – her ultimate goal for the week. At the same time, Natalie and James are just grateful they aren’t on the block. Everybody’s happy… for the moment.
– Katherine Recap