Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Victor
HOH Nominated – Natalie, James
Veto Winner – Corey
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne #7 Zakiyah #8 Bridgette #9 Paulie #10 Victor #11 Michelle

Cleanliness – the true HOH
We’re just gonna come right out and say it, September 5th lacked excitement. But there’s lots of positive stuff to say too. One notable element of Big Brother season 18 is the relative cleanliness of the house. Mainly because Victor remains, the house stays spic and span. Usually at this point in the season (only about two weeks left) the house has succumbed to the housekeeping habits of average twenty-something bros – not typically the tidiest bunch. But because of our beloved Puerto Rican Sensation, the only exception to the neat, orderly BB house is the Tokyo room, Nicorey’s habitat.

Blasted by his own prank
While Nicole chats in the Diary Room, Corey puts salt into her water for a prank, giggling to himself like a little kid. Just moments before she’d jokingly called him a “baby” and thus, this silly revenge. But turns out the joke’s on Corey when they’re playing dominos a bit later and she takes a sip only to blast him with her saltwater spray reflex.

Epic fail commercial venture
Not much else happened on September 5th. James did a lame “commercial spot” for the new TV show Macgyver because BB gave them a pizza box covered in an ad for it. He didn’t get the memo that nobody wants an endorser clad in sunglasses. How can we trust you when we can’t even see your eyes? But it did have a plus side when James reads from the Macgyver pizza box that, “No man has done more with less,” and Paul chimes in, “Except me in my sex life,” ha ha. We love Paul’s self-deprecation.

Natalie wants James to shut it
In other James news, he confronts Natalie about the “tension” he feels between them. But she’s not really into talking about it anymore …and who can blame her? Of course there’s tension. They’re both on the block and he freakin’ said, “I love you,” so this leads to lots of taut feelings and maybe even an eyeroll or two. Just let it lie, now James. You made this bed so you gotta deal with the consequences. At the absolute minimum, they became great friends and had a lot of fun this summer. That’s no small accomplishment given their circumstances.

Nicole realizes she’s lost
In other showmance news, Nicole and Corey talked a lot of game on September 5th. Well, it was mostly Nicole talking and Corey nodding. They agree that Natalie will go home this week but they’re keeping it hush hush from James so he’ll think he’s on the way out. This is their arrangement with Paul and Victor so their Final Four alliance stays intact. But it’s an epic fail. James and Natalie pretty much know the plan because Natalie figured it out… all the more reason to evict her. No matter who they evict, though Nicole has a crucial revelation right before she goes to bed. Nic does the juror numbers tally and realizes she can’t win this game. Best Nicole can hope for is second place because none of the ladies in the jury will give her a vote. The jury is almost ALL ladies. Nice job, Nicole! But hey, it’s a grand achievement to make it as far as Nicole with veteran status. She’s never been on the block and is likely to make it to final three. That’s nothing to sniff at.
– Katherine Recap