Daily BB House Stats:
HOH – Corey
HOH Nominated – TBD
Veto Winner – TBD
Evicted – #1 Jozea #2 Victor #3 Bronte #4 Tiffany #5 Frank #6 Da’vonne #7 Zakiyah #8 Bridgette #9 Paulie #10 Victor #11 Michelle #12 Natalie

He’s pawntacular and puppetastic
The September 8th live TV show begins with James obsessing over his “relationship” with Natalie while the other houseguests obsess over how they’ll control James if he stays. He is, after all, the ultimate puppet/pawn. As they discuss how to manipulate James, Nicole points out to Corey that his head isn’t in the game anyway. Corey replies that it’s in the game enough that James feels guilty about betraying Paul and Victor thanks to Natalie’s battle cry about it. This makes Corey think James will come after them to try to make it up to Vaul. Corey’s not far off here, though we’re not sure if James would actually keep his promise to Natalie about putting up Corey and Nicole. In fact, we heard James on the feeds right before showtime saying he’s going to throw the next HOH anyway. And yes, as Big Brother fans this statement does make our heads explode. Why can’t James play the damn game?

Bigger disaster: Room or Relationship?
After this the show gets right into the FIGHT when James goes off on Natalie after the bullhorn. Of course we don’t see anything related to the bullhorn incident… they make it seem like he’s reacting to basically nothing – her brattiness. We like that most about it. The thing about dating a Disney princess is they can get bratty when they don’t get their way. It’s just part of the deal and James knows that. But it’s honestly good for everyone that Natalie leaves tonight because this whole Jatalie scenario has got nasty ugly petty pants on and we all need a break from it, Natalie and James most of all. It’s bringing out the worst in both of them.

Mama Day sees all
Jeff and Jordan pay a tiny visit to Julie and talk about their upcoming baby boy. It’s kinda silly that she tells us all about how they conceived their baby and then got married earlier than planned… some people probably wanted to know about it, though. But then Jordan makes us happy when she says Victor is the most likely winner of BB. We hope for the same thing! Jeff says he thinks Paul will win and we’d be happy with that too… But Victor would be best. Paul keeps throwing competitions and we’re just not into that kinda party in the BB house. Play the game! On the other hand, seems like Paul’s parties outside the BB house would be mad fantastic. The show shifts quickly then to the jury house where Michelle joins them. She blows their socks off when she tells them how Paul called her a C***. The best part of this Jury house visit is definitely Da’Vonne (no surprise) when she tells us how Zakiyah went back to Paulie and shakes her head in dismay; it’s classic Mama Day. Then she also gives props to Nicole for how she’s playing the game, surprising herself as well as us. Kudos to you, Da’Vonne. You call ’em like you see ’em.

Natalie leaves the BB house
Natalie doesn’t come through with her earlier claim that she’d call everyone in the house out in her goodbye speech. In fact, she plays Disney princess instead and tra la la las as tiny blue birds and butterflies carry the hem of her dress out the door. Sitting prim and smiley with Julie, Natalie says she doesn’t think she threw James under the bus and that she meant Nicole and Corey via James, which is what we also thought. Nat’s intentions were good but her communication was faulty. Then Julie asks Nat Nat about her true feelings for James and she says he’s her soulmate and she didn’t mean everything she said in the house. That house makes people crazy! Yes, it does. We see and hear it every year.

Nicole finds a way to run on butter
At the end of the episode we see the beginning of a butter-themed endurance HOH which involves sliding down an aisle slathered in butter to fill a bowl with melted butter. Yummy/yuck but fun to watch. The houseguests get all buttery. Whoever fills their eight gallon butter bowl first wins. It’s hard not to fall back in love with Nicole’s cuteness when she’s skittering down the butter aisle. That girl can sure cuten up a buttery backyard battleground.

Checkin’ out Corey’s HOH loot
Later on the feeds Corey wins HOH and gets a pillow with his dog’s face as a gift from home. It’s not clear yet what the plan is for nominations. But we think Paul and Victor are headed to the block and Corey did hint at this late in the night on September 8th. All isn’t lost, though. Victor could win the Veto and stay in it! Also we’re at the point this season where anyone but James winning season 18 would be pretty satisfying. Thrilled? No. But it’s fulfilling to see houseguests try their hardest and play the game. Even if they were just canoodling most of the season, Nicole and Corey are definitely playing full throttle now.
Julie also tells us that next week Big Brother plays on a different schedule. The Veto episode will air on Tuesday and the Live eviction runs Wednesday night. We’ll keep you posted with all the latest and greatest with our daily posts right here on Fetchland.com.
– Katherine Recap